Business and Artist Development Services

Consulting - Development - Management

18 December 2012

Quick Hit of DIY: Ep 2: Facebook Musicians Playbook

Last week we looked at YouTube and how to make it an even more effective tool in your online arsenal. This week we look at the other online powerhouse Facebook. Facebook themselves have released, the Musicians Playbook, a detailed guide for building a serious band/musician’s page. This 40-page guide (download below) includes everything from the...

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28 November 2012

Welcome to your weekly HIT of DIY!

A weekly posting from our pals at HIT (Harbourside Institute of Technology) on DIY and The Business We Call Music, covering topics ranging from marketing, songwriting, social networking, recording, copyright, viral videos, to booking, plus a healthy dose creative inspiration, entrepreneurial passion, personal growth, inspiration...

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09 April 2012

The North Shore News Interviews Brian Watson on Social Media

Indie Songsters Look To Social Media, But Online Fame Only Part Of A Success Story IN April 2009, a frumpy nobody walked on stage to an audience of sniggering cynics. With greying hair and a few extra pounds pushing against a plain dress, Susan Boyle sang to more than the auditorium of people gathered for a taping of the TV show Britain's Got Talent. Unbeknownst...

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28 March 2012

Join us for Harbourside Nights 3 Artist Showcase

We've got a great event coming up in April and would love you to join us! Harbourside Nights 3 Artist Showcase is upon us, come on down, hear some great new music and be part of a live recording to be released on Hit Records, Maximum Music/EMI. ...

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09 March 2012

Harbourside Nights 3 : Showcase Applications Open

Be part of an exciting new Artist Showcase and Live Recording series sponsored by Harbourside IT, Hit Records together with Maximum Music Group/EMI. Applications now open! ...

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06 March 2012

Shop Talk : 12 Music Business Predictions for 2012

Author, Producer, Music & Technology Advisor, Bobby Owsinski makes his predictions for the year ahead. ...

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21 February 2012

Shop Talk : The Grammy Bounce

In this issue of Shop Talk we look at the "bounce", it's the before and after effect that a nomination or actually taking home the hardware has on an artist's career.  We also discuss the uncomfortable reality of another kind of bounce... ...

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